Tuesday, 13 September 2011

GM Crops: Role of Government

      Is deployment strategy of GM crops scientific?  What should be the role of government on GM crops in the present scenario? Can the Government play a proactive regulatory role in promoting technology access at affordable price? How to protect the interest of the farmers and domestic  industry? What  are the guiding principles in fixing trait value / royalty on GM technology, if it is patented?
The main outcomes and recommendations of the meeting at ANGRAU university.
1.      The future agriculture should be a science-driven.  Thus, technology development process should be strengthened both in public and private sector.  In particular, the public investment should be increased to state agricultural universities to face the competition from private sector in development of competitive biotech-based technologies for the modern agriculture.
2.    State Governments should strengthen core biotechnology research programme in potential crops such as cotton, rice, maize, sunflower, soyabean, vegetables, etc., by creating “core commodity based researchers team” with time-bond task  for developing GM crop technologies of high market value.  This helps to create a healthy competition with private sector including MNCs and protect the interests of farmer, seed producers and domestic industry.
3.    In view of the fact that the Gene Revolution of 21st Century is largely in the domain of private sector-particularly MNCs while the Green Revolution of the 1960s and 70s was in the public domain, it was unanimously agreed that a proactive regulatory mechanism needs to be created at state level to monitor, and regulate quality of technology, pricing of technology (trait value / royalty)  and as a whole to ensure fair trade in gene market-provision of genes/traits of real economic value to seed industry at affordable trait value/royalty.
4.     Royalty/trait value of the patented GM technology should always be declined over the period i.e., at initial period of technology introduction, it may be somewhat high, but as technology spreads in large area over the period, the rate of trait value/royalty should come down.  Such provisions and methods are to be incorporated in the Acts through necessary amendments.
5.    As agriculture is a “State” subject in the Constitution of India, the state governments should also explore possibility to bring-out a new act / law to regulate various aspects of GM crop technology application ilncluding royalty rates / trait value on patent technologies related to agriculture. In general, trait value / royalty on patented technologies related to agriculture should be about 5 to 15% for the maximum of ten years, beyond which such technologies will be in the public domain.  Like-wise compulsory licensing provision should be incorporated n the act/law for accessing patented technologies by all interested stakeholders. Further there should be a provision for appointment of regulator for all matters of Bt / GM technologies in agriculture
6.    State government should explore possibility to create a PPP model for accelerating joint efforts to develop need-based GM crop technology for meeting farmers’ needs at affordable prices.


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