Sunday, 28 August 2011

Administrative thinkers questions


Try to answer these questions
  1. 1.”A  ’science’ of administration would straighten the paths of administration” Comment. (Woodrow Wilson)
  2. 2.Scientific tool is a primitive tool for industrial polyarchies. Explain
  3. 3.”Taylor scientific management theory had a major influence on the growing reform and economy movement in Public Administration.” Comment
  4. 4. “Scientific Management, in its essence, primarily involves a complete mental revolution.” Comment
  5. 5. One of the key points in a scientific management philosophy was ‘development of each worker to his fullest potential and fullest prosperity’. Expalin
  6. 6. Taylor was a social engineer, rather than an industrial engineer. Examine the truth of the statement.
  7. 7. Taylor scientific management theory developed in phases. Elucidate.
  8. 8.Critically evaluate the work of Taylor, emphasizing the concern of every section of the people.
  9. 9.If a broad view is taken, the contributions of Taylor and his companions  were really outstanding. Explain.
  10. 10.” Scientific management theory focuses on routine tasks and operations They do not have much relevance to general issues of administrative organisation”. Comment
  11. ·         Taylor’s work stands in contrast with the work of Fayol’s. Examine the comparative status of both the thinkers.
  12. ·         Critically evaluate the Weber’s model of bureaucracy with special emphasis to its applicability in developing nations.
  13. ·         Analyze the Weber’s mechanism to control bureaucracy with the help of examples.
  14. ·         “Classical  Theory of Organization  and Human Relations Theory  supplement each other”. Comment
  15. ·         “Executive functions are directed toward achieving organizational goal”. In the light of above statement discuss the functioned of executive mentioned by Barnard.
  16. ·         Integration is the best method to resolve a conflict. “Comment” (Follett)
  17. ·         “Administrative Theories have to be understood against the socio-economic background of the theorists and the historical time period of their existence”. Discuss
  18. ·         “Fayol has a unique distinction of attempting to build a universal Science of Management”. Comment
  19. ·         Managing means looking ahead, which makes the process of “prevalence a central business activity”. Comment.
  20. ·          Though the classical ideas were expanded in the first two decades of  20th century, the classical management thinking is still dominant. Explain
  21. ·         Weberian model though suffers from many dysfunctionalities, yet remain the starting point of all discussions on bureaucratic theory.
  22. ·         Once fully established, bureaucracy is among those social structures which are the hardest to destroy”. Comment
  23. ·         “Bureaucracy is a system of government the control of which is so completely in the hands of officials that their power jeopardizes the liberties of ordinary citizens”. Comment
  24. ·         “For charisma to be transformed into a permanent routine structure, it is necessary that its anti-economic character should be altered.” Comment (Weber)
  25. ·         How does systems theory help to delineate functional and dysfunctional characteristic of a public bureaucracy?
  26. ·         “The civil servant has to be responsive, result-oriented and responsive”. Elucidate.
  27. ·         “Follet can be regarded as a fore-runner of behavioral approach to organizational analysis”. Comment
  28. ·         “Mayo was behavioral scientist long before the term got popular”. Comment


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